
Mahou-kei Photoshoot

Mahou-kei Photoshoot

Mahou-kei Photoshoot by avinastar featuring long necklaces

I want to do a really nice, high-quality photoshoot in my apartment soon featuring vintage toys and my new vanity for my good friend Candy over at Starlight Deco Dream and Mahou-kei! I have loved her products for such a long time, and her wigs are amazing to boot! Can't wait to work on this project~


Missing a certain kind of sky.

I've been completely swamped with work at my legal internship job, so I haven't had time to really dress up or even go outside for that matter. I found myself really missing the beautiful sky this morning, and dug up a bunch of old pictures of the beautiful skies I have seen over the two years, starting in June 2010. (These are all from my Tumblr, hence the watermarks.)


マツオヒロミ。+ Interior Inspiration!

For the past three months, I have been trying to come up with ways to decorate my new place. I've already settled on a Shabby Chic interior for my bedroom, complete with a vintage vanity my mum and I picked up from a Habitat for Humanity "Restore." It felt great purchasing the vanity from there because every cent is going back to building a home for the community. =) I highly recommend visiting a Habitat for Humanity store in your city (I think it is an American thing, but I'm sure there are versions of it in different countries) next time you are looking for some furniture. Not to mention everything is well-priced!



This look is on LookBook! Please Hype if you like~

I really love the Japanese bookstore "Kinokuniya" (or "Kinokuniya Shoten"). When I traveled to California recently, I visited the Kinokuniyas in San Jose and San Francisco relatively frequently and was so excited about my purchases! I also knew I absolutely had to take an outfit shot among the bookshelves in the San Francisco branch. =)